Simple Ways To Reduce The Amount Of Formaldehyde In Your House (P2)

The users’ safe zone

Currently, formaldehyde emissions are restricted at 0.2 ppm in order to protect user safety. The need for the lowest possible formaldehyde content is even greater in the furniture industry since industrial wood products coexist with people. To reduce the detrimental effects of formaldehyde, many nations have established minimum E1 requirements for interior panels.

As a result, the majority of industrial wood production companies have implemented criteria for this compound’s emission concentration, such as E0, E1, E2, CARB P1, CARB P2, etc. in order to deliver plywood that is both high-quality and safe.

E0, E1, E2 – Glue standards

There are descending levels from E2 to E0 and are commonly used in Korea, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Super E0 (SEO) is the highest industrial plywood standard with almost zero emission concentration.

  • E0: formaldehyde concentration < 0.07ppm.
  • E1: formaldehyde concentration from 0.07 – 0.14ppm.
  • E2: formaldehyde concentration from 0.14 – 0.38ppm.

Currently, the E2 standard has been eliminated in Europe, only standards from E1 and even E0 are accepted in most plywood products.
CARB P1, CARB P2 Standard Compliant

CARB standards are issued by the California Air Resources Board of the United States. This standard is commonly used in the international market, especially in the US and Canada. Including as below:

  • CARB P1: emission concentration below 0.18ppm for plywood and 0.21ppm for MDF.
  • CARB P2: emission concentration is below 0.05ppm for plywood, hardwood in general, and for MDF board is 0.11ppm.

JIS Standard

JIS standards are also known as Japanese standards, with four levels in the order F*, F**, F***, and F**** with corresponding decreasing concentrations:

  • F**: not allowed for interior use.
  • F**: corresponds to the E1 standard with a maximum concentration of 0.14ppm for plywood and 0.10ppm for MDF
  • F***: equivalent to E1 standard, maximum concentration is 0.07ppm.
  • F****: emission concentration less than 0.035ppm, approximately equivalent to super E0, used in most interior products.

Formaldehyde control measures

To limit negative impacts on human health, below are some methods to reduce the concentration of formaldehyde emissions in the environment.

Furniture meets emission standards
With furniture made from industrial plywood, it is necessary to choose businesses with emission concentration certificates to ensure quality and safety when used. AMC Vietnam believes that we are a reliable partner when providing plywood that meets E0 – CARB P2 standards, ensuring quality and absolute safety for users.

Install ventilation system
A humid environment is an opportunity for formaldehyde to develop and accumulate in the air. Therefore, it is necessary to install a ventilation system for air conditioning to minimize the impact of this compound in the living space.

No smoking
Cigarette smoke contains formaldehyde, so smoking in a closed environment will poison both the smoker and those around. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware of the harmful effects of cigarette smoke to both protect the health of your family and protect yourself.

Put green plants in the room
According to research, plants have the ability to absorb many types of toxic gases to help purify living spaces. Therefore, place some plants such as snake tongue, peace lily, etc. to remove toxins from the environment, helping to minimize the harmful effects of formaldehyde.

Deodorize interior products
Stock tea contains cephatin which has the ability to absorb formaldehyde. Put the dried tea in a thick cloth bag and moisten it, then place it on the wooden floor or wooden furniture surface. The smell of formaldehyde in industrial wood or objects will quickly disappear.

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